Package-level declarations


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data class AuthConfig(val clientId: String, val clientUniqueKey: String? = null, val clientSecret: String? = null, val credentialsKey: String, val scopes: Set<String> = setOf(), val tidalLoginServiceBaseUrl: String = DEFAULT_LOGIN_SERVICE_BASE_URL, val tidalAuthServiceBaseUrl: String = DEFAULT_AUTH_SERVICE_BASE_URL, val enableCertificatePinning: Boolean = true, val logLevel: NetworkLogLevel = NetworkLogLevel.NONE)

Configuration object for the Auth module.

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class AuthorizationError(val code: String, val subStatus: Int? = null, val throwable: Throwable? = null) : TidalError

Error indicating that the user did not correctly authenticate themselves at the TIDAL login service. Raised when the URI made to the redirect URI indicates that the authentication was not succesful.

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sealed class AuthResult<out T>
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data class Credentials(val clientId: String, val requestedScopes: Set<String>, val clientUniqueKey: String?, val grantedScopes: Set<String>, val userId: String?, val expires: Instant?, val token: String?)

Represents the credentials of a user or client.

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data class CredentialsUpdatedMessage(val credentials: Credentials? = null) : TidalMessage

Message sent on the CredentialsProvider.bus when credentials are updated.

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data class DeviceAuthorizationResponse(val deviceCode: String, val userCode: String, val verificationUri: String, val verificationUriComplete: String?, val expiresIn: Int, val interval: Int)
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data class LoginConfig(val locale: Locale? = Locale.getDefault(), val email: String? = null, val customParams: Set<QueryParameter> = setOf())

Configuration parameters for the TIDAL login service.

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data class QueryParameter(val key: String, val value: String)

Represents a query parameter.

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class TokenResponseError(val code: String, val subStatus: Int? = null, val throwable: Throwable? = null) : TidalError

Error used to indicate that an access token could not be retrieved.


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fun failure(message: TidalMessage? = null): AuthResult.Failure

Creates a AuthResult.Failure with all fields

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fun <T> success(data: T?): AuthResult.Success<T & Any>

Creates a AuthResult.Success with data payload