
This module is only intended for internal use at TIDAL, but feel free to look at the code.

Event Producer is an events transportation layer of the TIDAL Event Platform (TEP). Its responsibility is to make sure that events get transported to the backend as fast, secure, and reliable as possible.


  • Sending events in batches.

  • Filtering events based on the provided blocked consent categories list.

  • Collecting and sending monitoring data about dropped events.

  • Notifying about the Outage.




Add the dependency to your build.gradle.kts file.

dependencies {


The EventSender role exposes functionality for sending events and monitoring the status of the transportation layer. It is exposed through the EventProducer which is initialized by providing appropriate configuration and CredentialsProvider. The tlConsumerUri parameter is optional, with its default value set to the Tidal production environment. If user chooses to provide their own ingest endpoint, it's important to ensure that the entire backend infrastructure is in place.

val eventsConfig = EventsConfig(
maxDiskUsageBytes = 1000000,
blockedConsentCategories = setOf(ConsentCategory.PERFORMANCE),
appVersion = "1.0",

val eventProducer = EventProducer.getInstance(
credentialsProvider = getCredentialsProvider(),
config = eventsConfig,
context = context,
coroutineScope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO),
tlConsumerUri = URI("https://event-collector-url")

val eventSender = eventProducer.eventSender

Sending events

eventName = "click_button",
consentCategory = ConsentCategory.PERFORMANCE,
payload = "{'buttonId':'123'}",
headers = mapOf("client-id" to "45678")

Updating blockedConsentCategories on the fly


Receiving outage notifications

coroutineScope.launch {
eventSender.outageState.collect {
if (it is OutageState.Outage) {
// Outage start
} else if (it is OutageState.NoOutage) {
// Outage end


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