Package-level declarations


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data class AssetTimeoutConfig(val connectTimeout: Duration = 15.seconds, val readTimeout: Duration = 30.seconds, val writeTimeout: Duration = 15.seconds)

A parameter bag for creating configurations for playback asset timeouts.

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data class BufferConfiguration(val backBufferDuration: Duration = 20.seconds, val minPlaybackBufferAudio: Duration = 2.minutes, val maxPlaybackBufferAudio: Duration = 2.minutes, val minPlaybackBufferVideo: Duration = 15.seconds, val maxPlaybackBufferVideo: Duration = 50.seconds, val bufferForPlayback: Duration = 2.5.seconds, val bufferForPlaybackAfterRebuffer: Duration = 5.seconds, val audioTrackBuffer: Duration = 1.5.seconds, val audioBufferSize: ByteAmount = 12.5.megabytes, val videoBufferSize: ByteAmount = 125.megabytes)

A parameter bag for creating configurations for playback buffer logic.

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value class ByteAmount(val value: Long)

A helper type for byte multiples.

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sealed interface Event

Events that can be used to track happenings related to Player's functionality.

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sealed interface PlaybackContext

Contains playback related information for an active MediaProduct.

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States the playback engine can be in.