Package-level declarations
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interface Configuration
This is the Configuration api where we can configure and query various information related to the playback engine.
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interface Encryption
Implement this to provide encryption details from a host app.
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This should be implemented in order to play media.
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class PlaybackEngineModuleRoot(context: Context, connectivityManager: ConnectivityManager, audioDecodingMode: AudioDecodingMode, events: MutableSharedFlow<Event>, bufferConfiguration: BufferConfiguration, assetTimeoutConfig: AssetTimeoutConfig, cacheProvider: CacheProvider, configuration: Configuration, appSpecificCacheDir: File, streamingApi: StreamingApi, okHttpClient: OkHttpClient, gson: Gson, eventReporter: EventReporter, streamingPrivileges: StreamingPrivileges, uuidWrapper: UUIDWrapper, trueTimeWrapper: TrueTimeWrapper, playbackPrivilegeProvider: PlaybackPrivilegeProvider, offlineCacheProvider: OfflineCacheProvider?, encryption: Encryption?, base64Codec: Base64Codec, coroutineDispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher, coroutineScope: CoroutineScope)