Config: {
    appInfo: AppInfo;
    blockedConsentCategories: BlockedConsentCategories;
    credentialsProvider?: CredentialsProvider;
    eventBatchInterval?: number;
    feralEventTypes?: string[];
    monitoringInterval?: number;
    platform: PlatformData;
    strictMode?: boolean;
    tlConsumerUri: string;
    tlPublicConsumerUri: string;

In order to simplify the implementation while still maintaining correct function, high performance and reduced load on backend, a design decision has been made that the EventSender shall only ever exist in one instance.

Type declaration

  • appInfo: AppInfo
  • blockedConsentCategories: BlockedConsentCategories
  • OptionalcredentialsProvider?: CredentialsProvider
  • OptionaleventBatchInterval?: number
  • OptionalferalEventTypes?: string[]
  • OptionalmonitoringInterval?: number
  • platform: PlatformData
  • OptionalstrictMode?: boolean
  • tlConsumerUri: string
  • tlPublicConsumerUri: string