PlaybackState: "IDLE" | "NOT_PLAYING" | "PLAYING" | "STALLED"

IDLE: TIDAL Player has no active media product and nothing set as next. This is the “default” state, nothing is happening and nothing is scheduled to happen. This is the state which TIDAL Player boots into, it is also the state reached after the last requested media product finishes playing or after call to reset().

PLAYING: TIDAL Player is currently playing the active media product.

NOT_PLAYING: TIDAL Player has an active media product, but it is currently not trying to play it. This can be due to the user having pressed pause, some error occurred etc.

STALLED: Playback is currently stalled due to some unexpected/unwanted reason but TIDAL Player is still trying to play. E.g. buffering, device resource issues etc. If TIDAL Player manages to resume playback by itself, state will change to PLAYING. If TIDAL Player fails to resume playback, state will change to NOT_PLAYING and a descriptive UserMessage will be sent.