
This is an implementation of DataSource.Factory whose main goal is to create a DataSource which should be used for playback of content that is cached or offlined with aes encryption and a cache key, using a CacheKeyFactory.

This wraps an AesCipherDataSource into our own implementation CacheKeyAesCipherDataSource with a CacheKeyFactory.

The reason for this class is twofold:

  1. Standard implementation of AesCipherDataSource does not have a factory class, so this will keep it aligned with our other implementations like this.

  2. Standard implementation of AesCipherDataSource does not support adding a CacheKeyFactory, so this adds that functionality to it.



An instance of CacheKeyFactory. Must be the same as the one used for caching or offlining this piece of content.


A secretKey of ByteArray. Must be the same value for the same content when reading from a DataSource and writing to aandroidx.media3.datasource.DataSink.


An instance of DataSource.Factory. Should normally be any type of androidx.media3.datasource.cache.CacheDataSource.Factory, depending on if your content has been cached or offlined.


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constructor(cacheKeyFactory: CacheKeyFactory, secretKey: ByteArray, upstream: DataSource.Factory)


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open override fun createDataSource(): DataSource