
data class Video(val video: PlaybackInfo.Video, val offlineLicense: String? = null, val storage: Storage? = null, val partiallyEncrypted: Boolean = false) : PlaybackInfo, PlaybackInfo.Offline

Playback info with video specific properties for offline.


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constructor(video: PlaybackInfo.Video, offlineLicense: String? = null, storage: Storage? = null, partiallyEncrypted: Boolean = false)


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open override val albumPeakAmplitude: Float
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open override val albumReplayGain: Float
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open override val licenseSecurityToken: String?

Token used to fetch DRM license if needed.

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open override val manifest: String

Base64 encoded manifest.

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A mime type of the manifest.

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open override val offlineLicense: String? = null

The stored offlineLicense in case it is protected.

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open override val offlineRevalidateAt: Long

Indicates the earliest time at which the client is allowed to revalidate an offlined media product.

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open override val offlineValidUntil: Long

Indicates how long an offline is valid for.

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open override val partiallyEncrypted: Boolean = false

Information about legacy encryption strategy.

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open override val storage: Storage? = null

Information about storage and path.

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open override val streamingSessionId: String

A uuid generated by the client for this streaming session.

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open override val trackPeakAmplitude: Float
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open override val trackReplayGain: Float
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